Editorial Policy


Funga Latina is an open access, electronic journal, with yearly publication (one volume per year for numbering purposes) but constant release of accepted contributions, that publishes scientific and non-scientific articles on fungi.


No geographical restrictions are in place and researchers and enthusiasts of fungi from all over the world are invited and encouraged to submit their notes. No academic affiliations are required either.


Scientific articles are single-blind peer reviewed and non-scientific articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board. The official language of the journal and the preferred one for publications is English (American spelling) but other accepted languages for submissions include  Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian.


Submissions to the journal imply that no other simultaneous attempt of publishing the data is in place and that authors agree with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Long-term storage of articles will be provided by the Zenodo Initiative for independent publishers. Authors retain any copyrights related to their articles. Upon publication, authors are encouraged to archive their articles in private or public repositories and redistribute them in any way they want.